Magic Isn’t Only for Harry Potter

Regina Stribling
5 min readJan 23, 2020

It’s all around us and within us.

Business Man Magic by Vinícius Vieira Fotografia from Pexels
Photo by Vinícius Vieira Fotografia from Pexels

A writer on Twitter posted how she wished the world was as magical as Harry Potter.

The truth is: the world is incredibly magical in many ways.
Often, what we perceive as magical seems in-congruent to how we live our lives. Such as riding on brooms and using wands to get what we want versus going to the same job everyday.

Living a magical life is not as far off as it might seem. We simply need to shift how we perceive what we perceive. Allowing for shifts in perspective to become natural. Then, magical experiences become a greater possibility.

Living a magical life is all about how we perceive our experiences.

What is “magic” anyway?

According to my computer’s New Oxford American Dictionary, Magic is defined as: the power of influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

Also, Magic is: a quality that makes something seem removed from everyday life, especially in a way that gives delight.

Or informally: something that has a delightfully unusual quality.

Perhaps what many people desire is to have supernatural experiences while also being able to influence their lives in delightful ways.

Is technology magic?

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
~ Arthur C. Clarke

By Clarke’s definition, technology is magic in the way it influences the course of events. Technology for most people, including myself, is mysterious. And, as we’ve all experienced, technology has influenced our lives on an exponential scale.

Karl Schroeder brought a key shift to Clarke’s quote: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from nature.

Schroeder’s connection of technology and nature is vital to humanity’s sustainable survival on Earth. Nature, in and of itself, is supernatural in the way the elements (wind, water, air, fire, ether) influence our lives on a daily basis. Combining technology with nature allows for us to evolve with the Earth rather than forcing the Earth to evolve with us.

Magic as technology is simply the powerful ideas and things humans create with their minds and hands. (This goes all the way back to the axe and lever.) Combining technology with nature’s supernatural forces allows for a symbiosis of influence and evolution: humanity and the Earth working together. A win win situation. Benefiting the entire ecosystem.

Technology behaves as a form of meta-nature. This quote from a Next Nature article provides intriguing concepts to consider when combining technology and nature. This combination would truly create a magical existence.

And magic isn’t solely technology.
Magic is supernatural and delightfully unusual.

Most people don’t want to work at experiencing magic in their lives. They’d like to have their broom and wand handed to them to then do whatever they want. Even Harry faces obstacles and challenges when learning how to live a magical life.

Beyond technology, how can we experience magic in our lives?

Magic is the way we perceive our interactions in the world, and the way we experience those interactions. Delightfully so.

Here are four ways to experience magic in our everyday lives.


Using hallucinogens and other mind-altering medicinals is the most obvious form of experiencing magic. And, they are called medicines for a reason. Even with the visual and auditory effects, these medicines desire to help heal you and help you evolve your consciousness, not provide entertainment.

One definition of magic is: trickery as a form entertainment.

Psychedelics and mind-altering medicinals are catalysts, not an ongoing magic show.

If you truly desire to experience life as magical, you will respect these medicines to shift your perspective and provide life-enhancing experiences toward your evolution rather than solely for entertainment.

As with all things, moderation provides the best results.
Because psychedelic and otherworldly experiences take time to integrate into our physical bodies. Integration is necessary to truly receive the benefits of these medicines. Then, we can shift our perceptions of reality outside of psychedelic experiences.

After years of personal experiences with psychedelics and professionally helping others through their experiences, I’m well aware of the power of medicinals. Integration is a must to living a magical life on a consistent basis.


Paying attention to your perception of ideas, choices, people, and situations in your life allows for a greater sense of connectedness.
Magic becomes more accessible.

Let’s look at an atypical example: perceiving a physical ailment as a problem exacerbates the symptoms. What if the physical ailment is actually helping you to experience your body in a new way? Then from there, you discover a connection you never had before. And, creative energy for a new or current project “suddenly” occurs to you. All because you’ve shifted how you perceive your reality. You’ve allowed yourself to synchronize to your situation.


Much about dreams continues to be a mystery to both psychologists and scientists. And dreams are one of the top ways creative people (writers, artists, scientists, even mathematicians) receive key information.

Dreams are the keys to unlocking the magic within you.

Whether you’re having daydreams, lucid dreams, prophetic dreams, or second body dreams. Dreams have the opportunity to supply information hidden within our own minds and souls. Information for all aspects of daily life.

Including everything from: when to travel and when not to, subtle aspects about a current project you’re working on, what’s happening with friends and family, even healing physical ailments, or traveling to a parallel world to learn new philosophies and technologies.

Check out this article about the importance of dreaming.


Having a shared experience with a group of people is magical. Any type of ceremony is removed from life. Meaning, a ceremony is not a typical way people spend every day of their lives. Ceremonies can include: a new moon gathering, church service, musical kirtan, shamanic circle etc.

The ceremony becomes even more magical when your intent is clear and aligned with what you desire to receive from the ceremony.

Magic is often subtle. Living within the threads of nature and technology. Sitting in between what seems like a mundane existence. Waiting for us to shift how we perceive and experience our lives. One little shift in perception can make a huge difference in your reality. Delighting you along the way.



Regina Stribling

Writer. Developmental Editor. Journey of Spiritual Transformation Facilitator. Mystic. Working with words and writers to transform the world.